Local, sustainable flowers:
radically fresh and alive

Seasonal flowers unique to our beloved corner of Maine

Let’s get one thing straight: these aren’t your typical supermarket bouquets. Those flowers are specifically bred tough enough to stand up to weeks in transit and warehouse, with chemical assistance to withstand the rough handling required for mass-market production. And whether you purchase them in spring or fall, in Maine or California, they tend to all look the same. Predictable. Bland. Those flowers lack subtlety, vitality, or fragrance. And after their arduous journey from field to vase, it’s no wonder they don’t last very long.

What we grow is different. We grow the kinds of flowers that simply can’t be shipped: flowers of ephemeral beauty, delicacy, and fragrance. Slow flowers. We grow a broad variety of flowers, many with only fleeting harvest periods, so our offerings are constantly changing, too. We take care to pick and condition our flowers to give you at least a week of vase life, often more. And we love to add in wildflowers, grasses, and branches from our surrounding meadows and woods to build authentic, seasonal Down East bouquets.

Did you know that the vast majority of fresh flowers sold in the United States aren’t grown in North America? Approximately 80% of the cut flower market is imported from places like Columbia and Ecuador. And the global flower industry isn’t all roses, either. Imported products aren’t required to meet the same environmental and labor standards as domestically-grown flowers.


The ethical and environmentally sustainable choice

Those mass-market flowers can cast a pretty dark shadow. From the toxic chemicals used for industrial-level production, to the carbon expense involved in long-distance shipment, to the quantities of single-use materials generated in the life cycle of a  typical FTD bouquet, imported flowers come at considerable environmental cost.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Our little local operation is committed to long-term, responsible, sustainable practices. Regenerative farming techniques, including no-till and cover crops, aim to improve soil health by absorbing atmospheric carbon and keeping it in the ground. This supports healthy soil microbiology, which in turn reduces the need for external inputs—and grows healthier plants. We plant and tend natives in our surrounding fields and hedgerows to provide habitat and encourage populations of native songbirds, pollinators, and beneficials: our natural pest control. We’re continuously looking for new ways to reduce our own carbon footprint and to be more responsible environmental stewards.

Interested in learning more? Here’s the Sustainable Floristry Network’s guide to Buying a Better Bunch.

Supporting your local community

By supporting this small business, you’re also supporting all of the associated merchants and service providers that go into bringing our flowers to you. So, instead of lining the pockets of some far-away corporate execs, your money stays right here, supporting your neighbors, and that makes you part of the story of small-town economic success.

That’s a purchase you can feel great about. Thank you for supporting your local flower farm!
